Tuesday, November 25, 2014

my opinion

Ferguson, Missouri. To be honest, I just started reading about the shooting yesterday. (Yes, I realize it happened in August...I'm a little behind!) I try not to get worked up about things I have no control over, but I did get a little worked up about this when I read about it.
In a nutshell, from what I read anyways, a man robbed a convenient store, physically assaulted the store clerk, and was walking back home in the middle of the street when the police officer told him to move to the sidewalk. He didn't move to the sidewalk but instead tried to reach inside the police officer's vehicle and started assaulting, physically and verbally, the police officer. Shots were fired, and the man who had robbed the store was killed.
And wow - I can't believe the pictures of the riots and the looting of stores that I've seen in Ferguson because of it. And why? Because a white officer killed a black man.
Let's just step away from the whole racist color issue. Since when is it okay to steal, physically and verbally assault others, and attack a police officer?
I agree with the grand jury's decision to not indict the police officer.
And it's not because I'm racist.


  1. Yeah it was all over the news in the patients' rooms last night. So ridiculous.

  2. I think there is a lot of latent hatred, distrust, and resentment that we can't really understand, being so far removed from the circumstances. I'm sad, sad for both sides.
