Monday, April 4, 2016

spring day

Today after my eye appointment, I picked up Ruger and we headed to my in-laws. We meandered up and down their tree rows, taking in the fresh air. Thankfully Ruger sticks around really well. He'll run up in front of me, zip through the tree rows, end up in back of me, run to catch up to me...the cycle keeps going. I love when he can get out and run, leash-less. He sure was huffing and puffing though...this 65 degree weather is almost too hot for him. "Oh Rue," I told him, "you have a long hot summer ahead of you!"

When fall rolls around I always think that is my favorite season. But now when spring gets here, I swear I love spring the best. I think it's safe to say I love the seasons...I don't think I'd like living down in Arizona year round.

Anyways, I brought my Nikon with. I even charged the battery before hand. I got there and (suprise!) no card in the camera. Urgh!

So these are a few I snapped with my phone.


  1. Replies
    1. Nope, he said I could get glasses if I wanted since one eye is worse than the other, but he said they really aren't needed. I was kind of excited to get glasses! But didn't want to spend the money if I didn't have to.

  2. Order online. Cheap!
