Sunday, April 3, 2016

Happy Birthday Rue!

Starting the middle of March last year, I would come home from school and immediately check the breeder's website to see if Ruger's litter was born yet. And on April 3rd, oh what a happy day! I then waited every week to see updated pictures of the litter until May 29th when we brought the little bugger (biting bugger I might add) home.

We went to Bismarck today and got him a new leather collar, a rope/tire toy, and a bone. A little later we plan on taking him for a long walk (his favorite thing in the world) and then we'll let George and Thea, our cats, in. (Watching and chasing them is another one of his favorite things to do!) Happy Birthday to our energetic boy that always makes us smile, every day!
Ruger, the far left one


  1. Yes, we called him a little tornado.....that he was or maybe still is?

  2. I love the picture where he's checking out what Mom's doing.
