Saturday, March 26, 2016

Easter Break '16

Easter break.

I am thoroughly enjoying the time off from school! Aaron went dirtbiking today with his brother and friends and I spent the afternoon with my sister-in-law. We walked the tree rows and enjoyed being outside in the crisp spring air. Ruger thoroughly enjoyed it too, running back and forth and through the trees. I think he only treed two of Nathan and Heather's cats this time (ugh!).

I ended up bringing our in-law's dog, Wylee, home with me since they are going on a quick overnight trip. I put him and Ruger out in the back yard when I got home and so far things are very quiet, which is great (and unusual)! Usually Ruger wants to play and so Wylee will screech out a snarl at him. I say screech because he's so old, his snarls are all scratchy and screechy. Poor Wylee.

I'm very thankful for facetime this Easter, since I wasn't able to be home with family. (I really miss not being home!) I was able to see my two little nephews and their mom, along with my other sister and my mom via internet.

Now I think I'm off to bring up the old door from downstairs that mom brought me last year. I'm finally feeling motivated to sand/scrape all the old chipped paint off it and paint it. I'm ready to have a headboard on our bed! Stay tuned for pictures!

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