Saturday, January 30, 2016

Stephens Bridge

I'm always looking for new places to go and investigate around our neck of the woods. Unfortunately, there isn't all that much. Knife River Indian Villages, been there. Garrison Dam, check. Lake Sakakawea State Park and Cross Ranch State Park, yep.
Recently I was talking to our neighbor who had been to Stephens Bridge, a truss bridge that was built in the late 1800's and is on the National Register of Historic Places. Since this afternoon was in the high 40's, Aaron and I loaded up Ruger and we headed to see this bridge. We got a mini walk in with our boy while there and it was nice to be out in the country enjoying the fresh air for awhile.
I always bring along my camera, hoping for some nice scenic pictures. And of course I had to attempt to get a self timer photo of us three. I should have known it wouldn't work because Ruger ALWAYS weasels his way around to face us. Oh well!


  1. Fresh air has been a little scarce around here lately too. Come on, warmer weather!

  2. thanks for sharing your interest in history, Laura, this is so you when you have some free time!
