Saturday, January 30, 2016

Stephens Bridge

I'm always looking for new places to go and investigate around our neck of the woods. Unfortunately, there isn't all that much. Knife River Indian Villages, been there. Garrison Dam, check. Lake Sakakawea State Park and Cross Ranch State Park, yep.
Recently I was talking to our neighbor who had been to Stephens Bridge, a truss bridge that was built in the late 1800's and is on the National Register of Historic Places. Since this afternoon was in the high 40's, Aaron and I loaded up Ruger and we headed to see this bridge. We got a mini walk in with our boy while there and it was nice to be out in the country enjoying the fresh air for awhile.
I always bring along my camera, hoping for some nice scenic pictures. And of course I had to attempt to get a self timer photo of us three. I should have known it wouldn't work because Ruger ALWAYS weasels his way around to face us. Oh well!

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Life lately in January '16

Aaron started cross fit.

I started going to the gym.

I also started watching Downton Abbey. I cruised through seasons 1,2, and 3 this last weekend. Ugh, don't ask me how my eyes felt on Sunday night.

Gearing up for Kindergarten starts this Thursday. It's kind of like parent teacher conferences for 10 weeks, once a always have to be "on".

Ruger is starting to lay nicely in the evenings. It is SO nice not having to worry about him chewing on everything in sight. It's also nice not having to worry about him having an accident! I loved Ruger as a puppy...but to be honest I am thankful the puppy stage is on it's way out. :)

And that's about all that's happening around here. January and February get kind of long so I'm thankful for the things happening that make the dreary, cold days not quite so long. (Although, I am thankful for the evenings of not having to do anything except cuddle under a blanket with hot chocolate/hot cider and read a book. Or lately in my case, watch Downton Abbey.)

Happy Tuesday! And yay for no school next Monday!

Sunday, January 10, 2016

A Mystery

This morning I got up and went to let Ruger out, but saw he was already let out. (Aaron had let him out after his phone call from the plant at 6am.) So, I stepped outside to give him his morning four cups of food. He came running from around the garage and just started crying. And it was a terrible, awful, super loud cry like he had just gotten hit by a car! I had no idea what was going on...and he continued to cry all the way into the house and for about 3 minutes IN the house. Safe to say he woke up Aaron and Karsten! He finally eventually stopped crying and I was able to get him into our room. He jumped up onto the bed, cuddled up to Aaron, and they both fell back asleep.
I let him back outside after about 45 minutes because we had to leave for our church fellowship meeting and I was a bit worried about what he'd do. He went out happily though, and when we arrived home around 12:00pm and I let him in, he came in without crying and greeted us all, tail wagging.
I'm still baffled about what happened this morning. I thought possibly it was the cold, but he has been outside all winter during the day and he doesn't seem to mind it at all. (I actually thinks he likes it more than the hot, summer days.) So I crossed that possibility out. He was favoring his back left foot when I let him in when he was crying, but he quit favoring it once we got in the house.
I have no idea what was going on this morning because, like I mentioned before, it was not a little whimper. It was so painful to listen to!
I'm just glad he seems back to normal. I snapped the picture below of my two boys after the whole incident happened. I love these two.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

New Years

Days with my in-laws are always cause for lots of laughs. If only I could record all the hilarious conversations! Take two was played, we learned lots about the Philippines, Heather and I took some cold walks up and down the driveway, and good, good food was eaten...especially those frosted sugar cookies. And of course I can't forget the white elephant gift exchange!
I asked Aaron to get some nice photos of the day and he ended up taking lots of personal, unplanned photos of individuals...hence the collage I made below. Aaron missed me, Heather A,, and of course himself but oh well. We did get a great picture of the whole gang that was present, though!