Saturday, November 14, 2015

Goodbye, G6

I had wanted a G6 ever since I started high school (I have documentation in my journal), so you can imagine how excited I was when we found a good deal, the summer of my junior year in high school, at a used car lot in Detroit Lakes. We test drove it, my stepdad made the "deal", I wrote my first big check, and this blue/grey car was mine.

Fast forward seven years including four years of college, lots of trips to Detroit Lakes to see my parents, trips to Kensal to see my in-laws, a few trips out to Idaho, one trip out to Illinois over spring break, a memorable trip to Medora for our marriage, and then our honeymoon trip to Deadwood.

Throw in trucking around Miciaha and Duke, and then Ruger. It had a "face lift" when Aaron, my then-boyfriend-now-husband, got the back windows tinted for my 23rd birthday and I'm happy to say it never once got in a fender bender.

The new owner is an 18 year old girl that will be going off to college next year. That makes me happy to hear, and I hope she has many good memories with it, but it was still bittersweet seeing my car drive away.

Happy trails, G6, you were a good car.

1 comment:

  1. Yes I remember your excitement at finding this car. It was a good buy!
