Friday, October 2, 2015


Thank Goodness It's Friday!
My desk at the school looks like someone threw up all over it.
And by that I mean threw up papers, sharpies, assessments, stickers, permission forms, unit file folders...
And then this afternoon while we were making scarecrows one little boy thought it would be fun to glue his shirt together. And then try to glue pieces of yarn to his upper lip.

Then, I came home from school, let Wylee out (our in-law's dog that we are baby sitting) and Ruger would NOT stop pestering the poor Bichon. Wylee finally figured out that to get away from our pup, he can fit through the small cat door in the garden shed. 
Our "little" 6 month old (6 months old tomorrow!) cannot squeeze in, no matter how hard he tries. First he'll try getting in with his head and right front foot, and then his head and left front foot, and then frustration kicks in and he just tries to push his way in. I can imagine Wylee in the shed, just out of reach of Rue, happily panting away.

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