But anyways, today I was flipping through the Horse & Rider magazine that just arrived and I found a section that made me grin. Mostly because it is so relatable considering one of the horses we have - Rio. The title of the page was "Yup, My Horse Spooked at..." and here were some of the replies...
- "An Insect. Sam jumped sideways at a barrel with a "what the heck was that?" look. Peering closer, I saw a ladybug walking across the barrel's top."
- "Urine. It was a puddle of my mare's own pee, which she'd put there a minute earlier."
- "A Tiny Flag. My mare spooked at an American flag in a flowerpot."
- "A 'Pop'. After a relaxing ride, Dusty abruptly passed gas, scaring himself silly and almost jumping out from under me."
- "His Own Face. Mickey, my laid-back Appaloosa gelding, spooked at his own reflection in the water tank."
Horses and their personalities can be so funny. Makes me miss my boy, Tobey, and his side kick Rio. Looking forward to summer and horseback riding!
They still have Butter Braids!? I could eat a whole one of those things in one sitting.