My sister and I ran (and walked) in the Fargo 5K yesterday. Races like this are so much fun and I sincerely wish I were more of a runner! Maybe it is just because I am so out of shape, I don't find running enjoyable?! I'm thinking I may give this running thing a month and see if I get to liking it.
My hubby is almost done with working nights! It'll be wonderful to see him for more than 15 minutes each day! Yippee!!
I'm looking forward to a week and a half of grandma/horse/dog/lake time! I'm staying with my grandma while my parents go on a trip so hopefully there will be some sunny, hot lake days. A library visit for some good books is in the near future.
As of yesterday, I am now 24 years old. My 23rd year of life was pretty fantastic - I wonder what this year will bring!?