Saturday, May 31, 2014

Grandma Cay

grandpa and grandma
My grandma lives with my parents and I have had the opportunity to head to Minnesota to stay with her a couple times this spring. This gives my parents time to get away from home for a bit.
At the end of the seven days or five days or however many days it may be, I am always anxious to get back to the hustle and bustle of life with my husband, our new house, and the projects that always seem to pop up.

But, I am so thankful for these times with my grandma. We have the same conversations about every two minutes and she is always so surprised when she comes out of her room for dinner and supper and finds that it is just us two eating.
"Just the two of us?!" She'll ask with surprise. "Where is everybody?"

After dinner she'll either be in one of two places - the red chair in the living room, reading the newspaper (and whispering aloud as she reads), or her bedroom, doing a crossword. No matter where she is, she is content. And that is something I admire about her.
I also admire her patience. Growing up, whether it be playing with my sisters and I on the swing set, painting rocks found from the field, or watercoloring, she was always so good with us. It was always such a treat to head to grandma and grandpa's and for that I am thankful.

So as I sit at the table with grandma, and the conversation repeats itself again and again...and again, I smile and just appreciate the time spent with my 95 year old grandma.
Before I know it, these times will be gone.

Friday, May 30, 2014

End of May #2

Today I spent the afternoon kayaking. It felt awesome to work my arm muscles. It also was nice being able to kayak along at my own pace - taking in the scenery and getting my tan on!
When I arrived back at shore, the horses greeted me. I couldn't help splash around in the lake with them (or rather Toby, Rio's not as much of a fan of the water) for a bit.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

End of May

I always feel more active when I'm at my parents in the country. 
I blame my inactivity at home to living in town. 
Goal #1: Don't use that as an excuse!

There are always lots more to take pictures of when I'm at my parents.
The dogs, horses, lake, flowers are sure good subjects to shoot!
Goal #2: Take more pictures. Become more of a photographer.

Everything has sure greened up since I was here last - definitely feels like summer!

Friday, May 16, 2014

Kiah & Kolby

My companions on this beautiful evening.

previously unreleased photo #1

Today I was looking through the camera and I came upon this photo.
It was over Christmas time...and quite possibly after a big meal.
I think there's sleeping powder in the corn-stove downstairs...

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day

I know a lot of wonderful mothers out there.
There are two in particular I would like to recognize.
The one on the left - my mother. I have learned so much from her throughout my 24 years of life. Thank you, mom! I love you!
The one on the right - my mother-in-law. One of the first things that attracted me to Aaron was his personality and how funny he is. I soon learned he in part got that from his mom! I can honestly say I feel so lucky to have a mother-in-law that I love to be around.Thank you, Nancy!

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Life Lately

My sister and I ran (and walked) in the Fargo 5K yesterday. Races like this are so much fun and I sincerely wish I were more of a runner! Maybe it is just because I am so out of shape, I don't find running enjoyable?! I'm thinking I may give this running thing a month and see if I get to liking it.

My hubby is almost done with working nights! It'll be wonderful to see him for more than 15 minutes each day! Yippee!!

I'm looking forward to a week and a half of grandma/horse/dog/lake time! I'm staying with my grandma while my parents go on a trip so hopefully there will be some sunny, hot lake days. A library visit for some good books is in the near future.

As of yesterday, I am now 24 years old. My 23rd year of life was pretty fantastic - I wonder what this year will bring!?