If you would happen to drive by my parents place, there is a good chance you would see a little Golden Retriever on the porch - more than likely chewing on a maroon, saliva hardened, stuffed bear.
The bear, you see, was a spur of the moment toy I gave to her when she wasn't even six months old. It's not even a true animal toy...it actually is, or was, a lavender scented bear you would put in places such as closets to brighten up the smell. Miraculously, it has survived for 9 years without even getting so much as a rip in it! But, this post isn't about a stuffed bear, it's about that little Golden Retriever - my dog, Miciaha.
The dog that would be waiting for me every day after school during my four years of high school, and then would bound out eagerly to greet me as I drove up on the weekends during my four years of college. She would sleep beside my bed as I slept at night, laid beside me as I practiced piano and did homework, was my constant company when I broke my leg...
The last few times I've made it home, it's hard to ignore how gray she's gotten around her face...or how the arthritis has made it's way into her bones.
The best thing about going home is seeing mom, Will, and grandma...but coming in close second would be reuniting with my faithful pup, Kiah.
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