Sunday, November 30, 2014

PC Week 2

"Sunflower in Winter" by me
"Clematis Seeds" by Kristin
"Pumpkin Pie Everyday" by Elizabeth

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Thanksgiving '14 - 2

A glimpse into the dining room at supper time tonight. 
I tried using the panorama setting on my phone - distorts the pics a bit!
I think dinner/supper times during the holidays are some of my favorite times. And no, it's not just because I love to eat the scrumptious food. :)
Everyone's together and the conversation's always good!

Now to look forward to Christmas!

Thanksgiving '14

My stomach is full. My heart is full. And our trunk will be full from the shopping done Friday!
Oh wonderful, Thanksgiving, days.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

my opinion

Ferguson, Missouri. To be honest, I just started reading about the shooting yesterday. (Yes, I realize it happened in August...I'm a little behind!) I try not to get worked up about things I have no control over, but I did get a little worked up about this when I read about it.
In a nutshell, from what I read anyways, a man robbed a convenient store, physically assaulted the store clerk, and was walking back home in the middle of the street when the police officer told him to move to the sidewalk. He didn't move to the sidewalk but instead tried to reach inside the police officer's vehicle and started assaulting, physically and verbally, the police officer. Shots were fired, and the man who had robbed the store was killed.
And wow - I can't believe the pictures of the riots and the looting of stores that I've seen in Ferguson because of it. And why? Because a white officer killed a black man.
Let's just step away from the whole racist color issue. Since when is it okay to steal, physically and verbally assault others, and attack a police officer?
I agree with the grand jury's decision to not indict the police officer.
And it's not because I'm racist.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

PC week 1

Last Sunday I decided I would do a photo challenge. I would try to be more detailed in my photo taking. Well, it was harder than I thought. I'm in the market for a DSLR camera but still haven't decided if I'll go with Canon or Nikon. So until then, these photos are/will be taken with my handy phone.
Melted snow on a leaf

And my eldest sister also participated! :) Thank you Kristin!
"We had heavy rain last night, leaving delicate droplets on the very tips of branches and leaves."

Saturday, November 22, 2014

currently...(november 2014 edition)

<> listening: norah jones holiday on pandora

<> eating: nothing at the moment

<> drinking: a starbuck frappuccino drink from alco. our alco store is closing so everything is on sale. everything, including this drink!

<> wearing: pj's. i'm still in bed and it's 10:38. this week wiped me out!

<> feeling: kind of blah. it'll be that kind of saturday i think

<> weather: my phone says it's 28 degrees with rain possible. icky. which means it'll probably turn to ice

<> wanting: wednesday night to get here fast! we leave for my parents for thanksgiving and i am terribly excited!

<> needing: to shower. kristin and elizabeth, you know what i'm like in the mornings. haha!

<> thinking: i should shower

<> enjoying: the thought that lesson plans are done for next week, the house is clean (was cleaned yesterday evening), and clothes and dishes are washed

<> missing: having a dog around

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Unusual Day

Today was an unusual day for me. I cooked AND I baked.

And now I feel sick from eating so many of the bars I baked. Oh well, my stomach needs to get prepared for the upcoming holidays.

When mom was here back in September, she made up some meals for us and I froze them. Today, when rifling through the freezer trying to decide what to make for dinner, I found one of those meals that I had forgotten about! What a great surprise! The hamburger mixture was all mixed up, I just had to add the creamed soups, water, milk, and water chestnuts. Can I classify that as cooking for me?!

The bars I made - Chocolate Peanut Butter Bars. Click here to find the yummy recipe!

Above, is what our days have looked like the past week. I think the snow is here to stay. Makes for some cozy days/evenings in our little house!

Now, I'm off to prepare the Nov/Dec book orders for my kids.

Monday, November 10, 2014

weekend visit & thankfulness

"I wish they lived closer!" is a common statement that comes out of my mouth when talking about my family. But oh, when I really think about it, I'm so glad my parents live as close as they do! 
I could be pessimistic that they live 5 hours away...OR I could be optimistic that they live 5 hours away. 
It's very doable for a weekend trip - and this last weekend they made the trip west to visit us!
We had our first snowfall while they were here.
We played Ticket to Ride.
We had scrumptious meals.
I was reunited with the canine retrievers, Colby and Kiah. I sure do miss having a dog around!
We got our garage door up. Thanks, Will, for the help!
And I feel rejuvenated to tackle another couple weeks of school until our next break, Thanksgiving!

November is often a month that thankfulness is talked a lot about. I really do have a lot to be thankful for. One being - family. My side of the family may live 5+ hours away from us, but part of Aaron's family lives closer (as in only 15 miles away from us closer) and that makes me thankful. Loving the family you marry into is wonderful.

Thanks again, mom and Will, for making the trek to visit us in our sleepy little town!

Saturday, November 8, 2014

life lately

It must be the weekend - I have time to blog!

One thing I've learned since I started teaching is even when you aren't there (as in your classroom with your kids) your mind is pretty much always there. I couldn't fall asleep the other night because I was thinking of one of my boys and why it's just not clicking with him. Aaron told me, "just shut your brain off for the night!" I wish I could! Now, as I sit here on Saturday and take a deep breath because there is no school on Monday and Tuesday (hooray!), I'm thinking about a few bulletin boards I can switch up and what in the world I can do with that ugly corner by the sink.

Aside from that, currently:
+ I am looking forward to a visit from my mom and step-dad this Saturday/Sunday/Monday!
+ Christmas music is being played in full force now. (Well, when hubby's not around. Did you know he doesn't care much for Christmas music?)
+ I still wish it would snow...and it looks like my wish might come true! Some winter weather is supposed to be hitting this Sunday night. Maybe my parents will get snowed in here?! ;)
+ Right before the picture below was taken, G&T were running full speed from one end of our house to the other. Why are cats so weird sometimes? I walked out of our bedroom to find the rugs in our living room all pushed up against the wall. Apparently the rugs help slow their speed and prevent them from running into the wall/piano. Anyways, here's a picture of our felines, exhausted from their strenuous exercise.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

I will regret saying this...

I know I will regret posting this when February rolls around but, I'm ready for snow! I'm excited to see the white flakes coming down and coating everything that is brown and blah in a pretty, crisp white. My sisters and I used to get so excited when the first snow appeared - it meant we could set up the farm set. I remember doing cartwheels and flips in the living room when we saw that first flake even if it did melt right away!
In honor of my anxiousness (if that makes sense) I'm currently listening to Christmas music and I just ordered some pretty sweaters for winter. I'm also excitedly thinking about the upcoming festivities this month will bring. 
I can honestly say, with the turn of another calendar month, that we are getting into my favorite time of the year!

Glimpse of a past Christmas